domingo, 29 de diciembre de 2024

Best Movies 2024

As the year is drawing to an end, in this entry you can find three lists of the best movies 2024, to offer you a wider view from various critics and publications. The first one is signed by Jeffrey Brown, the arts correspondent for PBS "News Hour", who talked to two other film critics to write "The Best Movies of 2024, according to these critics", the list includes the trailers of the movies and a very short description of the plot, so it is quite easy to read and you can watch scenes of the movies too! B2 students will find interesting words like: to draw to a close, a gem, wicked, [quite] a ride, twists and turns, a stuntman, a rom-com, to go through [cruel things], in terms ofcompelling, the cast, sibling, a mock [government].

The Fall Guy
The global film editor for Time Out, Phil de Semlyen, has compiled a longer list of "The 50 best movies of 2024", with several international entries. The article includes a picture, a short summary of the plot and a link to the full review sometimes accompanied by a trailer.  The texts are rich with a wide range of adjectives and descriptive language, which raise the level of difficulty. The article is recommended for C1 students (C2 if you read the full reviews), who can come across words like (starting from number 1 to number 5): a well-trodden [subject], cursed, a coming-of-age [journey], lopsided [visions], a riff, lusty, bonkers, blockbuster, a sequel, a [hot] streak, ludicrous, a starry [cast], sandworms, an awe-inspiring [movie], flooring, to sob, undercurrents, screwball [comedy], a riot, to hustle, dumb, to woo, big bucks, to cue, whirlwind, to spin [out of control], mirthful [style].

From a British perspective, the critics of The Guardian have listed "The 50 best films of 2024 in the UK", and they manage to summarize the plot of each film in only one sentence, so readers can take a quick glance over the titles and click to read the full review of the movie they are interested in (and watch the trailer, if available). The density of the information makes this article recommendable for C1 students (C2 for full reviews), who will find words like (in entries 1 to 10): a portrayal, chilling, pin-sharp, a dreamlike [tale], an absorbing [story], an escort, to betray, bratty, a captivating [film], lovelorn, to plunder, bizarre, hilarious, a cantankerous [teacher], to hole up, a wayward [teen], to track.